Our New Home is Complete and it’s so pretty!

We are so excited to officially move into our new space in Auburn, NH! Not only will our new shop be home to Crown Energy, but it will also be the central party location for all of our annual family clambakes. Always hard and work and hard at play!
Check our work out on the cover of LPGas Magazine!

2019, January, LPGas, Vol 79, No 1
Our customer, Jennings Oil & Propane takes the brave leap into the propane market and we built their plant!

Check out the full article in Fuel Oil News Bennett, S. 2018, October 18, Fuel Oil News, Pages: cover & 30
Feature in BPN Magazine – Ray Energy Opens New Rail and Truck Terminal

Thornton, P. 2018, October 18, BPN, Vol 50, Pages: Cover & 25-27 This was one of our biggest construction projects to date and we are proud of the results! Read the whole article below.
Our new home is almost complete!

Just a little updated picture of where we are in our new head quarters construction process. Now…it’s time to start working on the interior. We don’t have a move-in date as of yet, but it won’t be long!!!
Let the framing begin!

The site work and excavation is complete and Monday, July 30 marked day 1 of the framing process. Having purchased the property over 3 years ago, this point on the radar was barely a glimpse. Now, after day 3 of the building construction, we are realizing how soon we will actually be sitting in our […]
Crown Energy Solutions Begins New Property Development

We’re growing! We are very proud to annouce the beginning of our new property development in Auburn, NH. Conveniently located close to Route 101 and 93 on a 6-acre lot, our new building will contain office space and 4 bays. We are excited to be expanding our space and looking forward to continuing to provide […]
Crown Energy Launches New Website

Crown Energy is pleased to announce the launch of their new website at CrownEnergySolutions.com. We look forward to keeping the new website updated with current and completed projects as well as company and industry news. The website will also be used to post job openings. Please check back with us often!